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When you’re RAW and new to yoga...

Writer's picture: The IPATH MethodThe IPATH Method

Welcome RESOLVE Begin!

When you’re brand new to yoga, it can feel intimidating and be difficult to know exactly where and how to get started. Our Raw Yoga class at The IPATH Yoga & Wellness Center for beginners was created specifically for you!

The workshop style of teaching the class is perfect if you are out of shape or extremely inflexible. We recommend you begin with this gentle practice until you have built up the strength and flexibility for more challenging sequences. If you are a relatively fit and flexible person, you should be able to jump right into a regular hatha yoga class. Once you are familiar with the basic postures, you can explore a vinyasa or flow class. We recommend you start our Vinyasa II, and Ashtanga, once you've built up some physical strength and endurance.

Yoga is a vast collection of spiritual techniques and practices aimed at integrating mind, body, and spirit to achieve a state of enlightenment or oneness with the universe. What is normally thought of as “yoga” in the West is really Hatha Yoga, one of the many paths of yoga. The different paths of yoga emphasize different approaches and techniques but ultimately lead to the same goal of unification and enlightenment.

January at IPATH Yoga & Wellness

Raw Yoga - Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana

Raw Yoga - …A workshop-style class open to absolute beginners or anyone wanting to move through asanas (poses) with care and grace. This class focuses on traditional hatha yoga poses and breathwork to help move the student forward to deeper or rigorous styles of yoga. This class is considered level 1 Hatha Yoga.

Try a Raw yoga class and expect a practice accessible for beginners, using the IPATH Method for alignment to safeguard against injuries while practicing. You'll be surrounded by both brand new and returning practitioners as well as more advanced yogis who want a refresh of the fundamentals. Expect detailed explanations of the poses than the higher-level classes. A great choice if you want a less strenuous approach to your practice.

Adho Mukha Svanasana- the sixth vinyasa in Ashtanga, and omnipresent in every flow style yoga class.

Learn :

  • How to move on the inhale/exhale

  • Proper stance based on your spine/height/weight

  • Grounding feet / Gripping hands/fingers

  • Writs and Alignment achievements

  • Drishti and Breathwork


  • Anyone who experiences stiffness in forward bending or who has short Achilles tendons needs a short stance in Downward Dog.

  • A person with a stiff backbend needs a longer stance in Upward Dog.

  • Activating the toes helps create strong arches~necessary for knee alignment and strength.

  • Overworking the Infraspinatus results in unnecessary shoulder tension and pain


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