Yoga Therapeutic Teacher Training
Step into your path of healing and service.
cec Workshops
75 hr Yoga Therapeutics
20 hr Postural Mat Pilates
20 hr. IPATH II Deeper Pathologies
200 hr Integrative Therapeutic Yoga YTT

We began sharing this training in 2017 and have guided hundreds of students around the world.
Are you ready to train?
Mind is the Master
The IPATH® Method
Ripristinare il naturale allineamento schiena / corpo in modo che i nostri corpi possano rimanere indipendenti per le nostre vite più lunghe.
Man mano che la nostra postura si deteriora, le articolazioni si restringono e la differenza tra muscoli tesi e deboli crea stress. Questi squilibri, rigidità e perdita di movimento portano a segnali di sovracompensazione e dolore in tutto il corpo.
Sulla base della nostra crescente conoscenza del corpo umano, IPATH® integra il rilascio miofasciale, la terapia del punto trigger, il pranayama (respirazione) e le tecniche di allineamento per abbattere gli strati di cattive abitudini accumulate e costruire la forza muscolare strategica.
Il metodo IPATH® è unico non perché iniziamo con un rilascio miofasciale, ma perché non ti lasciamo lì! La pratica consente al corpo di ripristinare la forma più naturale ed efficiente con l'allineamento e la manipolazione ossea attraverso il respiro e il rilassamento intenzionali, consentendo trasformazioni permanenti. IPATH® è progettato per funzionare con tutti i corpi, i livelli di mobilità e fitness.
There are two groups who come to IPATH®...those who have tried other therapies with little success, or those who have heard of the IPATH® results from friends and doctors.

Joyce C.
"I tried everything from acupuncture, cortisone even hanging upside down, trying to relieve back pain. The results had always been temporary. I went to an IPATH workshop after reading how it could help my scoliosis. Not only did I find relief from pain after my first session, but after a few sessions I was hooked because it felt very relaxing. And so far after 9 months, I am pain free and my spine has been corrected. Nothing temporary about it. IPATH is a must!"

Helen B.
"Denese has transformed my body in ways I couldn't even imagine when I started working with her in 2015 as part of the recovery from a bad fall. She put me on the path I have been struggling to find for decades. I am committed to aging well, and she has helped me make that commitment a reality."

Rodger T.
"I had been suffering from acute pain from herniated discs, for longer than I'd like to remember, until a friend recommended IPATH. I no longer have back pain, and have learned to sleep on my back, which Denese highly recommends. She has also helped my family members. We are all more erect and I have literally grown mind and body! My Dr. indicated I grew more than half an inch in one year! I highly recommend IPATH® for anyone with back and joint pain."

Dr. Richard Cohen
"The IPATH Method has saved my life! Once so stiff, I laid in bed hoping to get better. Now able to live a better quality of the life I had missed. I now play all of my favorite sports and sleep like a baby. I'm 70 and began this necessary practice 8 years ago."

Barbara Stevens
"Sure, I have back pain, who doesn't? After just one IPATH session, I was hooked! It was so relaxing I actually fell asleep. Somehow emerged feeling taller and for many days, back pain had subsided. I know I have more to do, but since there are no exercised involved just resting in restorative positions, has given me a new lease on life."