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Equinox Cleanse

Sat, Mar 20


ONLINE and In-Studio

Be available to hear your innermost call Rituals, Sankalpa, Willpower Spring is on its way...! And with it, the rising creative rebirth of the Earth to our yoga practice!

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Equinox Cleanse
Equinox Cleanse

Time & Location

Mar 20, 2021, 11:00 AM – 1:05 PM

ONLINE and In-Studio

About the Event

Rituals, Sanculpas, Willpower

Spring is an opportunity for renewal and rebirth.

Be available to hear your innermost call

Spring is on its way...! And with it, the rising creative rebirth of the Earth to our yoga practice! Equinox is an opportunity for renewal and rebirth—for planting seeds (Sankalpa) to nurture and witness the unending cycle of growth and change. It is also a reminder that we are shedding old layers, habits, and outmoded beliefs. it is here, in the now, that we can experience the sheer joy of present moment awareness.

In the Northern Hemisphere on March 20, the Vernal Equinox has been honored for thousands of years as a celebration of life and fertility; a time for striking a balance between yin and yang—and as a “spring cleaning” of stagnant energy that has been stored over the long, dark and cold winter months.

This yoga release sequence is designed to facilitate that awakening; to gather and draw the energy inward, and then release it outwardly as a metaphorical planting of seeds. Celebrate the Spring Equinox with Denese Cavanaugh and Satayam- Stephanie Courtney with a slow flow practice and Integral Postural Alignment Techniques, along with, a sound a meditative sound bath experience where those in attendance are “bathed” in sound waves. These waves are produced by various sources, including healing instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, percussion, chimes, rattles, tuning forks. Before experiencing the gong, you will be led through a short breath technique to help you relax. From there, you simply allow the sound of the gong to wash over you for 45 minutes.  Calming music brings your awareness back to the room as you slowly return refreshed and renewed, ready to face all that life has to offer.

Cozy props needed- 2-3 yoga blocks

Yoga blankets

Savasana ritual spray (or create your own zen scented space)

Earbuds - useful ... for sacred sound bath

11-12:15 devoted to yoga flow and somatic postures

12:15 - 1:00 healing sound bath

This event is Livestream and a few controlled in-studio spaces are available. All you need to do is focus your mind, connect to your most heartfelt desires, and channel the divine energy within, to honor the deeper meaning of your life.

Free Meet & Greet

  • Equinox Cleanse

    This ticket include our healing sound bath. Livestream or controlled in-studio spaces available- your zoom link is in the confirmation email.

    Sale ended



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