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Step #1

Let's Meet & Greet in your city!
Or sign up for Early Bird
You can get to know more about The IPATH Method.
Join a M
eet & Greet info session and prepare for training. All your questions will be answered and BONUS! You get to try the practice and receive a 15% meet & greet discount on your tuition.
Head over to our Teachers Calendar 
and sign up for a
Meet & Greet in your city
prepare to train!

Mod 1.jpg

Next Training!

May 18-June 17

Module 1 


May 18-19

9 am - 6 pm EST




JUNE 15-16 

Module 1 

Live & Livetream in Studio 

Open May 9

Step #2
Training Application

Yoga teachers, Yoga Therapists, Physcial Therapists, Personal Trainers, and other healthcare professionals with a passion for teaching restorative yoga are welcome!

Allow us to know more about you.

Are you a likely candidate to teach IPATH restorarative yoga? Please complete our application form and you will recieve a response withing 24 hours. 

You may also call us at +1 301-450-5940

¿Cómo se enteró del método IPATH?

Describa su enseñanza / práctica en los últimos 3 años.

¿Trabaja actualmente con estudiantes / clientes con lesiones y dolor crónico?

¿Estás en las redes sociales? Si es así, proporcione sus identificadores.

Which is your favorite?
Which is your least favorite?

Sube tu certificación actual o currículum profesional

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¡Gracias por enviarnos!

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